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[2624 정송은] Your basis is very reliable.
작성자 정송은 등록일 21.11.01 조회수 70

 Your pointing that the education policies are not developed because pledges for the elderly are dominated is impressive. Definitely, the new policy appropriate to an aging society is needed.

 Although I agree with lowering the voting age, It is hard for me to support certainly your fourth basis. The argument that agrees with lowering the voting age to balance the liberals and conservatives, can lead to the view that sees the voters as means for the benefit of parties. The voters have the right to vote not for the benefit of the liberals and conservatives, but because they are sovereigns.

 Anyway, your basis is reliable, and I agree with your most of arguments!

이전글 Voting age should be lowered under the age of 18
다음글 2422 지현민 - Election is not appropriate to under th