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1매30 조정희
작성자 조정희 등록일 20.07.31 조회수 63

When tumblers and eco-bags are used, it is correct to replace disposable products. I didn't say it wasn't. I said the environment is more destructive when comparing the frequency of using disposable products and eco-bags originally used.  The use of disposable products will be reduced. But isn't the ultimate goal of protecting the environment by reducing the use of disposable products? With less disposable products, factories will print more eco bags and tumblers, which will eventually destroy the environment. 

Finally, isn't it that the original purpose of being used as a part of fashion, not as a substitute for plastic bags, has disappeared? 

이전글 [1죽18 이혜진] The Another side of Tumbler & Eco-bag (2)
다음글 2020. 제 2회 사이버영어토론대회 (2020. 7.16.~2020. 7. 31.)