1죽22 전예은 |
작성자 | 전예은 | 등록일 | 20.07.31 | 조회수 | 62 |
1죽 22 전예은
I'm glad to read your idea. I agree that we should eco-bag and tumbler for a long time. But it is really better that use disposable? Eco-bag and tumbler have a possibility. Because we can warn and struggle that use them more eco-friendly : use them frequently or buy them minimum. But when disposable get more used, we can't do anything for the environment. Disposable commercialization is too irresponsible behave. |
이전글 | [1죽18 이혜진] The Another side of Tumbler & Eco-bag (2) |
다음글 | 2020. 제 2회 사이버영어토론대회 (2020. 7.16.~2020. 7. 31.) |