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번호 | 제 목 | 첨부 | 이 름 | 날짜 | 조회 |
16 | [2518유은지] A Big Flow of Society (7) | 유은지 | 18.09.29 | 63 | |
15 | RE:[2518유은지] A Big Flow of Society | 이채빈 | 18.10.01 | 9 | |
14 | [2315음영욱] No Longer Support the Use of Military Robots (3) | 음영욱 | 18.09.29 | 23 | |
13 | [2217 신현식] We Should Support Military Robots, But Carefully | 신현식 | 18.09.28 | 8 | |
12 | [2324 임현규] Robot Army:Profitable for Everyone (2) | 신의식 | 18.09.27 | 16 | |
11 | [2매 04 김가연] A Military Robot Is a Poisoned Chalice Only (4) | 김가연 | 18.09.27 | 49 | |
10 | [2318이성민] Profitable and Harmful Military Robots | 이현석 | 18.09.27 | 11 | |
9 | [2323 이현석] Using military robots will make great confusion (1) | 이현석 | 18.09.27 | 27 | |
8 | [2301 강민혁]We should support the creation and use of military robots | 강민혁 | 18.09.27 | 20 | |
7 | [2305 김종민] Robot Army is Ineffective to Use (1) | 김종민 | 18.09.27 | 10 |