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번호 | 제 목 | 첨부 | 이 름 | 날짜 | 조회 |
36 | [2313 우인호]Is the use of military robots necessary in our lives? | 우인호 | 18.10.04 | 6 | |
35 | [2매22 이은채] We shouldn’t support the creation and use of military robots (4) | 이은채 | 18.10.04 | 30 | |
34 | [2834 황소정]we should support the creation and use of military robots (2) | 황소정 | 18.10.04 | 21 | |
33 | [2513 류현지] To Make Better Quality Of Life (3) | 류현지 | 18.10.03 | 15 | |
32 | [2209노승원]Military robots, This is the chance to make our life more safe (2) | 노승원 | 18.10.03 | 11 | |
31 | [2815 손은새] Army robot can reduce the deaths of soldiers. (4) | 손은새 | 18.10.03 | 37 | |
30 | [2223정수영] Are Military Robots Worth It? | 정수영 | 18.10.03 | 11 | |
29 | [2206김재연]We should focus on the drawbacks of military robots than the advantages! | 김재연 | 18.10.03 | 11 | |
28 | [2국 36 홍서형] Why Military Robots Shouldn’t be Made (2) | 홍서형 | 18.10.01 | 31 | |
27 | [2인04김민수]We can't bring in the military robot (3) | 김민수 | 18.10.01 | 26 |