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번호 | 제 목 | 첨부 | 이 름 | 날짜 | 조회 |
26 | [2514 박정빈] It's not the time to let AI control human life (1) | 박정빈 | 18.10.01 | 15 | |
25 | [2215신승우]Only robots (3) | 김철 | 18.10.01 | 24 | |
24 | [2228 한석화] Do you want to reduce the damage of war (1) | 한석화 | 18.10.01 | 11 | |
23 | [2121 이수환] A Good Helper of Human : Robot (2) | 이수환 | 18.10.01 | 15 | |
22 | [2인22 이원호]Developing military robots, if you can't avoid, make them wisely | 이원호 | 18.09.30 | 8 | |
21 | [2난08문소영]Will military robots be good for the peace of mankind? | 문소영 | 18.09.30 | 13 | |
20 | [2112 방인찬] Use and support of military robot can cause more damage to humans. (3) | 방인찬 | 18.09.30 | 17 | |
19 | [2202 권용호] Robot War Makes Healthy, Long Lives | 권용호 | 18.09.30 | 6 | |
18 | [2511 김지연] Dangerous greed of developing : MILITARY ROBOTS (4) | 김지연 | 18.09.30 | 37 | |
17 | [2312 오현석] Robot;Mirage which seems to be useful | 오현석 | 18.09.30 | 10 |