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[2522 전예은] - I don't agree with your opinion.
작성자 전예은 등록일 21.11.01 조회수 37

[2522 전예은]


1. You said that people under the age of 18 treat voting insincerely and don't take it seriously. How can you be sure of their attitude when those under the age of 18 have not yet exercised their right to vote? Is there any objective evidence? Isn't it an error of hasty generalization that judges the whole by looking at part?


2. You said it is not fair to decide the right to vote according to age. As you mentioned, age does not determine maturity. Therefore, shouldn't we consider voting rights under the age of 18 because it's unfair to just limit voting rights based on age? 

이전글 [2624정송은] Voting Is About Getting To Know, ... (1)
다음글 [공지] 21학년도 제2회 사이버 영어 토론 한마당 개최