2626 정혜리 |
작성자 | 정혜리 | 등록일 | 21.05.23 | 조회수 | 125 |
<Is the Government's push for a telemedicine system for the development of all of us?> -2626 정혜리 The government and the ruling party are speeding up their push to introduce medicine with the goal of preparing for the second epidemic of Covid-19. Right now, rather than revising the medical law, which is expected to be resisted by doctors' associations and civil society organizations, government discussions are on the rise to expand the amount of telephone counseling and prescriptions that are allowed limitedly due to Covid-19. Health and medical experts stress that if telemedicine is needed, it should be approached to strengthen the public nature of medical services, not to foster new industries led by economic ministries, just like the previous government. If it was for the purpose of strengthening public character, as many as 80% of the 1,000 people who obtained medical licenses were opposed to it, and it was confirmed that it was out of context. "A closer analysis of strengths and weaknesses, 14.3% of the respondents said they should decide through a social consensus process, and at the same time, more than 99% of the respondents said they should decide. The opposition to the government's one-side reveals to push for telemedicine. In addition, they are opposed to telemedicine as a major reason. The collapse of the stability of primary medical care and the distortion of the medical delivery system such as employment problems will intensify. So, the government is now pushing to apply the unwanted telemedicine system in the name of the current Covid-19. For example, More specific and reliable example is that the president of the Korean Medical Association said that the point of conflict between the medical community and the government is diversely remote. It's telemedicine. It is basically just a mobile phone treatment, and opposing telemedicine, which is less stable and effective than face-to-face care, is to prevent it from going to an abnormal state. Most importantly, telemedicine currently being promoted by the government means that telemedicine is allowed for patients with chronic diseases and mild diseases. Therefore, 70 to 80 percent of all patients are at risk. In addition, it can damage our society enough in terms of employment. Since the number of medical students currently being recruited by universities is constantly developing for the development of the country, medical devices using artificial intelligence can block the way by taking away opportunities for students entering the medical field. Remember that the telemedicine system must not have secured stability without guaranteeing damage to the public, and it does not guarantee the side effects of misdiagnosis, as well as the achievement rate when implemented by the government. I strongly respect the opinions of current medical workers, such as the rights and safety of the people, and oppose the government's irreversible choice, which is fast-paced until it is concluded that telemedicine promotion for economic development can be guaranteed. |
이전글 | 2112 신정호 |
다음글 | 2420 지현민 |