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2321 최호빈 I agree with the statement.
작성자 최호빈 등록일 21.05.23 조회수 44

 I agree with your opinion. As you argue, our country's tele-health system is lagging behind other countries. Tele-health systems allow us to provide better support for people living in remote locations or working in remote areas. Now we are facing an unprecedented period of coronavirus outbreak, and tele-health systems are helping to stabilize the situation. Treating simple ailments through tele-health will benefit medical staff and patients. The claim that telemedicine could be the beginning of a ubiquitous city administration was surprising. Certainly, tele-health care system is a progressive system that will radically change our health care. It is somehow exciting  looking forward to technological fields that will develop through the telemedicine industry. For Korea's national interest, telemedicine must be legalized. 

이전글 <The necessity of telehealth-system> 2719 엄서영
다음글 2423 최용준