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2321 최호빈 I agree with the statement
작성자 최호빈 등록일 21.05.23 조회수 49

 I agree with your opinion. Due to the nature of Korea's geography, it is very difficult for citizens living outside the metropolitan area and large cities to receive medical benefits. The new technology you've taken as an example will enrich the tele-health care system. You also said that telemedicine would be of great help in treating chronic diseases. I very much agree with this opinion. Nothing can be as good as the ongoing care of a medical staff in treating a chronic diseases. Finally, you mentioned that telemedicine systems work in collaboration with several other systems. This is an important part we miss when discussing the pros and cons of tele-health care. I am impressed with your words that,  it is completely freedom of patient whether to receive tele-health care  or conventional care. 

이전글 I assent to opinion that telemedicine. 2난19이지선
다음글 2613 윤가영