I assent to opinion that telemedicine. 2난19이지선 |
작성자 | 이지선 | 등록일 | 21.05.23 | 조회수 | 63 |
Today, in internatinal society, many countrys are prosecute telemedicine for its advantages. Even our neighbor country japan prosecutes it. In this way we have to push ahead telehealthcare. There are three reasons about why we have to push ahead like other countrys. First, telehealthcatre can improve convinience and reduce blind spot in medicine. To some people who live in isolated area, going to the hospital is difficult by geographical nature and also to the olds, the infirms and patients moving is hard. But if they will use telemedicine, they can be treated easily and frequently in their dwelling. Second, we can be flexible in responding to the national emergency. Like these days, epidemic situation, the most effective way is not to contact with someone. So we do not see a doctor when we suffer only minor symptoms. But because knowing that these symptoms are just minor symptoms to the person who are not a expert is too difficult, so we can overlook that it can be a fatal disease, unknowing it. Like this, in that situation, we may be forced naturally to abandon the right to treatment by society. If telemedicine is take effect, we can see a doctor in our home without society’s press and we can prevent the fatal disease by being diagnosed precisely. Thus we can protect out right to treatment. Third, it can attribute to start of ubiquitous city. By taking effect of telemedicine, the I.O.T service will be more active. And these development of converging technology can attribute to making U-city. In the U-city that starts with combination of IT and medical technology, not only telemedicine but also to live-rule out body condition frequently can be available. And we can control some things to do what we want. Also, we can find out at first our body condition is different with usual days’ condition so through telehealthcare we can see a doctor immediatley. In short, taking effect on telemedicine can reduce medical blind point and is efficienet at society with infectious diseases. Also it can start the U-city. For these three reasons, i agree with telemedicine’s imposition. |
이전글 | <The necessity of telehealth-system> 2719 엄서영 |
다음글 | 2423 최용준 |