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2314 정웅렬
작성자 윤가영 등록일 21.05.23 조회수 57

I disagree with your idea. First of all, I said that Korea has excellent access to medical institutions, but I don't think so. Because unlike cities with excellent access to medical institutions, there are rural areas without even a small hospital. And I think it would be nice to have a telemedicine system because it is relatively difficult for the elderly to go to the hospital even though they usually live in the countryside. Second, I think the hospital can divide the area and take care of it to prevent patients from flocking to the suburbs of Seoul. Third, there is a risk of drug abuse because simple treatment is possible, but I also think it can be solved if doctors give medical treatment while considering that. 

이전글 2820 이종선
다음글 2321 최호빈 Korea should adopt tele-health care.