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2난13 윤가영
작성자 윤가영 등록일 21.05.23 조회수 46

I disagree with your opinion. Because it is true that misdiagnosis can occur when using telediagnosis , but it does not mean that medical expenses will increase accordingly. If there was a misdiagnosis, there could be a system called refund, but I don't think it means that medical expenses will increase unconditionally. And I think doctors are responsible for misdiagnoses and medical accidents. I know it's hard to diagnose because it's telemedicine, but I think it's against the doctor's mind not to be responsible for misdiagnoses or medical accidents. Also, you said that there can be real difficulties in acquiring and managing communication technology, but I think it is possible if there are people who help the government systematically educate them and manage communication technology. 

이전글 2613 윤가영
다음글 2314 정웅렬