[1413방석민] Opposing statement |
작성자 | 방석민 | 등록일 | 20.09.28 | 조회수 | 90 |
I don’t agree with what she stated. In the first place, increasing the number of public medical schools is only running by the citizen’s tax. By increasing medical school’s capacity, citizens who lives in country side need medical help and they use their money to get a medical check. If the number of local doctors increases, people who live in country side don’t have to spend a lot of time to get a medical help. However, opposing the increase in medical school seems to be solely to maintain profits. Because as the number of doctors increases, fewer people come to the hospital. And also, I agree to some extent that doctors can also fight against unjust conduct, but it is wrong to strike for it. Before qualifying as doctors, doctors first agreed to the Hippocratic Oath and qualified as doctors. The Hippocratic Oath is an oath about doctors' ethics, and it is obligated to treat and care for the people. But isn't it too contradictory to ask for their rights without fulfilling your obligations? It would be ethically and socially appropriate to inform injustice through other ways rather than strikes. Additionaly, I don’t disagree with ‘doctors have rights’ or something, but I can’t understand that thing is considered more important than citizens’ right. All Koreans deserve for enough medical support and care. 406 had died by Covid virus in Korea.(2020 9/29, Korea). Doctors are not free from being blamed. Some of them are dead because of the absence of Docs. In Pohang, 17-year-old a high school student passed away by flu, because of the lack of medical support. Even though the cause of his tragic death is not Covid Virus, this case shows the danger of lack of medics. AND, THEY are making ‘strike’. Yeah maybe it is true that even though they striked out and they work, but that doesn’t mean enough. Even though medical teams are having hard times fighting with virus, it doesn’t mean they are doin’ their best. THEY ARE DOCTORS. They made an oath. Strike only means they are snobbish or not keeping their promise to society. They are Korean. They have to undergo their duty. Who educated them? Who made them doctors? Citizens’ tax and materials have been input to educated them as a qualified docotors. So Citizens’ should be the first to demand rights. Also you mentioned that added doctors are not qualified. How do you know? Adding the number of doctors doesn’t mean the quality of their skills are not enough. The reason why the capacity of medical school had been limited is because the society demanded ‘that’ amount of docs. Now, the world has changed. We need more doctors. What is up to with quality. Let me just yield about 100 times and assume the quality of doctors decrease. But still its better than nothing. More doctors will undergo their duty, citizens will have enough medical support, and students don’t have to compete to much for medic school. (Everyone knows there is a problem in going in college.) To wrap up, doctors shouldn’t be to selfish and snobbish. They have to do their best for citizens’ to serve for society. |
이전글 | [1죽27 최보윤] Doctor Strike: Is it just unethical? |
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