1예 04 서동석 |
작성자 | 서동석 | 등록일 | 20.07.31 | 조회수 | 72 |
I generally agree with your argument. But I don't agree with a single sentence. you said, "The original purpose of reducing disposable products is disappearing.". But the whole point of your argument is that tumblers and eco-bags are not being used for environmental protection purposes, not that tumblers and eco-bags are not reducing the use of disposable products. The problem is that eco-bags and tumblers are becoming more popular and used as a fashion item, causing environmental destruction, but they still have the effect of reducing the use of disposable products. People don't have to use plastic bags with eco-bags, and people won't have to drink in disposable water bottles with tumblers. |
이전글 | [1죽18 이혜진] The Another side of Tumbler & Eco-bag (2) |
다음글 | 2020. 제 2회 사이버영어토론대회 (2020. 7.16.~2020. 7. 31.) |