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[2621 전하은]
작성자 전하은 등록일 20.07.19 조회수 74
Your essay is well-constructed so I can understand what you are trying to talk about easily. I agree with your idea that robots can do certain things better than we, humans can do. So it would be more effective that robots work in humans' place in areas that require repetitive, simple work. It can make our society hugely develop in a short time, I bet. I especially like the way you focalized the job-loss circumstance with not only mentioning about current problem, but also presenting the solution about that issue. I am glad that there is another person who has same view on this subject. 
이전글 [2720 이하은]Robot cannot be a substitute for humans
다음글 [2621 전하은] Furtherance Feasibility of Humankind