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[2624 최승연]
작성자 최승연 등록일 20.07.13 조회수 97

I understand what you are trying to assert and agree with your final rationale. However, I don't think your first and second opinions can be a reason why robots cannot replace human work.Your opinions argue that robots cannot be flexible depending on people and situations. However, if you use a slightly more advanced robot technology in a situation you have cited as an example, the robot can be flexible enough. For example, robots can communicate with the blind through voice recognition and receive advanced orders through adjusting the range of options on kiosks. Even though current robot technology is difficult to replace human intellectual and emotional abilities, it may be possible to imitate similar levels through continuous development. 

이전글 [2203 기호진] A New Approach for Labor
다음글 [2624 최승연] The Changes in Human Jobs by Robots