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[1예10 심현서]
작성자 심현서 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 33

I read your essay well. I agree with your first opinion that using robots make inequality between people. 

However, I have a different opinion about your second opinion that robots make reduction of the communication.

First, Even if the age of robots comes to us, we will try to interact each other more and communication between people will not decrease. Because of robot development, there will be more time which people spend time together than when we work. According to Aristotle, humans are social animals, I think that a life without communication would be meaningless. And although we don't meet face-to-face, We can communicate with things like video chatting. And these technologies may develop further in the future.

Second, you said about a conversation that only talks about robots in workplace, It will be natural in the space where robots are used. We can talk about other things as much as we like instead. 

In the conclusion, for these reasons, I have a different opinion that communication depends on the will of us

이전글 [1824정은우] robots should be used to replace humans.
다음글 [1예10 심현서] Robots : our companion in the future