1국20 안서연 |
작성자 | 안서연 | 등록일 | 20.07.15 | 조회수 | 46 |
[1국20 안서연] You claimed that there will be no corruption if robots replaced human jobs. However, if all employees are replaced by robots and only human beings are in charge of the CEO, I think that the decision within the company will be arbitrary and social abuses will increase. Robots have no reason to judge what's wrong. If the CEO violates the law, there is no employee to reveal and correct it. If this situation continues, our society will certainly be shaken by the corruption of some entrepreneurs. |
이전글 | 1죽28최수빈-Advantages of robots to replace human work |
다음글 | 1525이민지)The problem with robots replacing human jo |