[1예09신희동] |
작성자 | 신희동 | 등록일 | 20.07.15 | 조회수 | 25 |
Before start, I want to declare that I'm also a human, too. But I'm gonna tell you that Business doesn't have to show "good humanity". The word "business" can be replaced as "competition", that means people's losing their jobs is a certain step of economic or technological development. But when this doesn't happen due to prior human jobs, the result won't be good anyway. Sometimes sacrifice needed for better outcomes.
In addition, there's an error I think. you said that business owners, unemployed, and low-income people are suffering from COVID-19 pandemic. But why do you think that robots can lower out unite and humanity? If you think the robots' replacing jobs only, that could be a bad idea. Robots can be used in various areas (and that's the one of the advantages of them) So totally, Financial problems in short can be canceled out.
Thanks for reading. |
이전글 | 2020. 제 2회 사이버 영어토론대회 (7. 16. ~ 7. 31.) |
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