1예02김기태 |
작성자 | 김기태 | 등록일 | 20.07.15 | 조회수 | 28 |
Your essay that claimed robots replacement aren't good is persuasive, but I don't think so. First, robots do not accelerate environmental pollution. Think another way, we can use robots which are eco-friendly. We can save natural resources by using eco-friendly robots like solar hit robots, so we can't make a decision that robots will accelerate environmental pollution. Second, robots will not increase unemployment. Robots can also make new jobs like making or controlling robots. Further more, jobs are permanent. So not because of the robot, some jobs will disappear soon. As a result, your think that robots have a lot of disadvantages for using, but I think robot's replacement is needed because it also has advantages too. |
이전글 | [1322 허준서] Robots should replace human jobs |
다음글 | [1408나한수]Technology Will Make Better Life |