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1315 정승재
작성자 정승재 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 38
Your essay that claimed to replace robots with humans is so great. But I don't think so. First, robots can't stop diseases. Because if you meet people often, you'll have to disinfect them every day, otherwise, the robot that comes in contact with the infected will spread all the diseases. Also, daily disinfection would cost quite a lot and this would not be much different from the original labor costs. Although the cost is the same as the robot, humans can be more flexible in dealing with the problem, making it more useful than robots.
Second, robots also do need a break. It takes a long time for robots to charge, and they will have to consume a lot of energy in the process. Therefore, the environment is destroyed and I think robots that need rest time almost the same as humans cannot replace humans.
이전글 [1예10 심현서] Robots : our companion in the future
다음글 1국10김시윤 Robots can’t replace human workers.