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작성자 허준서 등록일 20.07.15 조회수 29

Your opinion is excellent.  But I can't agree with you.

First, I don't understand the doubt about the stability of the robot. Of course, I understand the idea that humans are not perfect and that robots made by humans may not be perfect either. However, all activities of robots that will be produced in the future, except for design, will be done by robots, and they are still. If you think robots are unsafe, how did you use things like cars manufactured by robots?

Finally, Robots can change jobs for humans, but they can't take away jobs for humans. Instead, many jobs about robots will appear. Of course, confusion can arise in the process, but it will naturally be accepted over time.​ 

이전글 [1지03 김관홍] Robots for Human Convenience
다음글 [1매18 엄서영] Robots: disaster of bringing to the h