[1죽01 권혁희] |
작성자 | 권혁희 | 등록일 | 20.07.14 | 조회수 | 47 |
[1죽01 권혁희] Your opinion is great. However, my idea is slightly different from your essay opinion. In your first reason, you said that facing and talking with robots will make us more lonely. This point is the same with my opinion. But if the robots replace human worker, the role of robots will be to produce goods, not psychotherapy. That reason is that robots don’t understand irrational thought and context as most people already know, the same with your opinion. So, work of facing humans will take on by human and work relating psychotherapy will increase more than the present, in contrast your third reason. In short, as work that robots can is limitary, occupations that involve other things without it such as researcher, developer will increase.
이전글 | 2020. 제 2회 사이버 영어토론대회 (7. 16. ~ 7. 31.) |
다음글 | 1520유선우 Commercialization of AI, Problems for Ev.. |