[1인09 송지민] |
작성자 | 송지민 | 등록일 | 20.07.12 | 조회수 | 67 |
[1인09 송지민] People who think robots should not replace human in workplace argue that robots cost a lot of money and resources. However, using robots is much more economical in the long run, as [1인24 최종두] said. If we use robots, we don't have to pay salary to them, so we can save money. Also, using robots reduces the number of workers injured during labor, thus reducing the amount of money spent in the medical field. Therefore, it will cost some initial money, but it will benefit economically over time. |
이전글 | [1지05 김용현] Robots: our new hard-workers |
다음글 | [1224최용준] We should use robots properly |