[1인24 최종두] |
작성자 | 최종두 | 등록일 | 20.07.11 | 조회수 | 52 |
[1206 김유진] [1인24 최종두] This counterargument is based on supporting ideas in your essay,
‘Should robots replace human in the workplace?’. This counterargument will
present three reasons why they are not appropriate to support the idea-workplace
replacement by robots should not be done. First, the job replacement by robots
will actually produce more jobs. Throughout the history, , many jobs have
disappeared, and many jobs have appeared as technology improve. For instance,
let’s go back to 1850s when train was the major transportation. The number of
locomotive engineers, railroad conductors and brakemen increased by 600%, but
that growth slowed in the early 1900s. Why? The automobile showed up. Car
mechanics and repairman jobs surged while the railroad jobs began to disappear.
Considering this, as robot industry improve and replace human in workplaces, many
jobs will appear as much as it disappears. Second, the correlation between the job
replacement by robots and an increased risk of adult disease is not right. Before
why the job replacement by robots will not increase the risk of adult diseases,
this essay will talk about future jobs first. Future jobs are mostly based on
cogitation, which only people have. Creativity and fluency will be the main
power of people. So, the jobs are going to be brain-based, like artist or
inventors. Unlike simple labors, those jobs cannot produce high value output in
haste. So, people will take more time, and have more time compared to simple
labor workers like nowadays. According to Yeong-Ho Beak, the professor
of the Department of Physical Education, Busan National University, the main
factors of adult disease are reducton of physical movement, western meat-based
diet, and high tension in everyday life. When robots replace human in the
workplace, people will have more time to use for themselves. People will
exercise more as they have more time because they do not have to do choirs.
Robots can replace not only workplaces, but also houseworks. So when robots
replace humans, the risk of adult disease will drop as people have more time to
exercise. Also, when people are free from the time limit, they will eat less
junk food. These days, people do not have enough time to eat because of work.
When they are not in rush, they can eat healtier food, so the adult disease
rate will come down. Third, accidents and errors are neccesorys
for technology to imporve. As your essay presented, errors when robots replace
humans in various aspects can be fatual. So, before robots replace many jobs,
we have to replace some jobs as a demonstration. Some jobs is so critical that
when it stops, it might subvert our society, like doctors, firefighters, or
polices. Before robots replace those jobs, people have to check whether there
is an error or a defect. Technology improves with errors and amending
those errors. As Galaxy Note 7 has been mentioned, let’s take that as an
example. Galaxy Note 7 had a fatual defect that it made Galaxy Note 7 get a
nickname, homemade bomb. But, the defect has been fixed, and the next
cellphone, Galaxy Note 8 was safe from that danger. Imagine if Galaxy Note 7’s
battery problem had not rose. The battery would be taken as a safe battery, so
many companies might use that battery as it was cheap, small, and had large
charge amount. Then suddenly, the problem occurred. Every cellphone using that
battery will be recalled, and it will confuse our socity. Considering this, the
replacement should be done so we can find out defects and fix them. Therefore, the robots should replace the
human in workplaces. |
이전글 | [1지10 박강한] Robot:replacement of human in workplace |
다음글 | (1지13방석민) we should use robots in workplace. |