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[2427 전찬모] I disagree with you
작성자 전찬모 등록일 19.06.28 조회수 52

I'm against your argument. First, you define game addiction as a disease, but I don't know the criteria for addiction. If addiction is something that interferes with my daily life and causes a disability in my body, simply the child we use a lot of cell phones is cell phone addiction, and this should also be classified as a disease? First, you need to think clearly about the criteria for addiction. Second, you said there would be no problem in the game industry if game addiction was classified as a disease, and if it was classified as a disease, there would be a whole society shunning games, and then the game industry would not only be hit hard, but it would be in danger of going down altogether. 
I think you're simply thinking about classifying game addiction as a disease. However, we need to think about a number of factors related to this when making these decisions. 

이전글 [2803 김세령]Someone call the doctor (1)
다음글 [2619 최주영]