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2죽21이재우 Game addiction is a serious disease.
작성자 이채연 등록일 19.06.12 조회수 91

Today, the issue of 'game addiction' is becoming a hot topic as advances in technology have made it easier for many generations to access electronic devices.

Especially, game addiction among teenagers is a big problem. In the past, children used to play outdoors, but nowadays games such as mobile phones and game consoles are popular. These games can be a life-boosting and enjoyable street if enjoyed in moderation. However, if you become excessively addicted, you should classify it as a disease because it negatively affects the mental aspect of a person.

Extremely addicted, they reach a point where they can't tell the difference between reality and game. In the past, there was an incident in which a teenager fell so into a gun game that he couldn't distinguish the difference between reality and the game. He killed his parents. The teenager committed the crime by mistaking his parents for a game character and said he thought he could get a reward item if he kill his parents. These cases are occurring frequently. This is a big problem because they prioritize games over other daily lives and continue to play games even if negative results occur. However, the criteria for identifying addiction are still controversial. There are also opinions against classifying games as a disease, saying, "What's wrong with playing games?". However, the idea is not to classify the game itself as a disease. It calls for classifying game addiction as a disease, which is addicted to games and is unable to do what it originally does and mentally suffers. Game addiction is seriously bad disease that WHO judge the maleficence is medically very bad.

이전글 [2지12 박종현] Let's focus on increasing the severity~ (1)
다음글 [2219이상현]Game Addiction Should Not Be Stigmatized~ (2)