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[1606 김지유] RE:[1매12 오예은] Teenager's crime is no longer a children's game
작성자 신승한 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 153

[1606 김지유]

I'm on board with your opinion. Adolescents who committed crimes would know that their actions are a crime. But they didn't care or regret their wrongdoings that much. In addition, I also strongly sympathize with your expression that the victim of some serious crimes like a case of assaulting on Gwanak Mountain can be someone's children or siblings, can be me or my family. The juvenile delinquency should be strengthen!

이전글 [1711 서유진] The Reinforcement Of The Juvenile Law : Victim Protection, Not Assailant Protection
다음글 [1116 이도형] Punishment for juvenile delinquency should be strengthened