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RE:1인09 류승민 Should the punishment for juvenile delinquency be strengthened?
작성자 윤지섭 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 98
 I would like to refute your second evidence. I don't know what criteria you put for 'weak crime' and 'violent crime,' but in fact, differentiating sentence with age can be a problem.
First of all, I understood the weak crime you said was a misdemeanor. According to the Korea's Minor Crime Punishment Law, people who commit minor offenses can be fined up to 600,000 won. 
However, applying the juvenile law to 'weak crime' would result in lower sentences, which could adversely affect the growth of young people. In other words, if the juvenile law abolished only  in violent crimes, the crime rate for minor crimes may increase.
이전글 [1807 김예림] The need to strengthen juvenile crime penalties
다음글 [1804 김다해] punishment for juvenile delinquency should be strengthened.