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[1806 김선우] RE:[1829 윤민지]
작성자 김선우 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 131
  I totally agree with your opinion. In Korea, issues related to juvenile crime have never been a social issue for a short time. Some of the cases that anger us today include alcohol-induced psychosomatic weakness, poor judgment due to minor disabilities, and "younger-age's reduction." Society, of course, should be seen as a target for protecting young people. But should even the few who create social stirs and threaten the lives of other teenagers to be equally protected be considered at such a national level? Many young people who commit crimes with malice abuse the system. Just because a child is small does not mean that punishment for crime is small.
이전글 [1804 김다해] punishment for juvenile delinquency should be strengthened.
다음글 [1115 윤지섭] Ignorance can’t be Indulgence