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[1806 김선우] RE:[1820 임세연] A right punishment
작성자 김선우 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 160

 You gave us a pretty good opinion, but I think little differently. Those who insist on reducing the sentence of juvenile delinquency say, 'Never be treated as a criminal before a young and protected teenager goes into society.' But we have to rethink this at this point. The main purpose of accepting criminals is to enlighten them. Punishment for crime not only inflicts a certain amount of pain on a criminal, but also prevents re-offending and allows flexibility to be absorbed into society. The benefits of increasing the sentence of juvenile delinquency outweigh the losses we face.

이전글 [1804 김다해] punishment for juvenile delinquency should be strengthened.
다음글 [1115 윤지섭] Ignorance can’t be Indulgence