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RE:[1605 김주란] Juvenile law ; a law for perpetrators [1난19정민주
작성자 정상수 등록일 18.11.30 조회수 236

I read your article well. You said juvenile crime is getting worse day by day and juvenile law should be strengthened to prevent juvenile offenders from committing crimes again by exploiting that they are being punished less than adult criminals. But I don't think that increasing punishment can't be fundamental solution to decrease juvenile crime rates.The majority of juvenile offenders are brought up in bad social conditions. In this point, bad social conditions are just not mean poor. Those also mean family backgrounds, the social systems or friends etc. Andolescences who grew up in bad social conditions have many heartache. That may have made them criminals. Therefore, by taking care of them and considering their social backgrounds, they will be able to solve the fundamental causes of juvenile crime.

이전글 [1예 26번 허욱]
다음글 <1323 최건우> partial reinforcement