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RE:[2 인 13 배효진] The mild punishment for adolescents is unnecessary.
작성자 유현정 등록일 18.11.12 조회수 34
Juvenile crimes often require severe punishment that seems to have been worse than adults. However, there are a number of crimes committed by adults at home or at school because they do not care. Wouldn't it be more helpful for such students to give warm attention and to get through with them before they punish them? It's not a strong storm, but a warm sun that makes a street walker take off the jacket. Like this, I hope you will look a little bit warmer than reacting too strongly to students. They have endless possibilities for development!
이전글 [1 예 18번 유희상] It is the right law for teenagers and It is the Juvenile law.
다음글 [1 예 17번 오유빈] The opposition to the toughening of the juvenile law