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번호 제 목 첨부 이 름 날짜 조회
179 [1412 양지승] Juvenile Law : A Means of Guaranteeing Crime 첨부파일 있음 양지승 18.11.30 180
178 [1717 이서영] Strengthening Punishment Is The Best Answer? 첨부파일 있음 이서영 18.11.30 402
177 답변글 RE:[1225 정용찬] We should strengthen or abolish the juvenile law 신윤섭 18.11.30 110
176 답변글 RE:[1의27황성환]<We must strengthen the punishment of teenager.> 신윤섭 18.11.30 109
175 답변글 RE:1매08 박주영 | The best way is to change society 장우진 18.11.30 120
174 답변글 RE: 1802 권여은[1죽11 노지현] We need to strengthen the punishment 노지현 18.11.30 99
173 1매08 박주영 | The best way is to change society 첨부파일 있음 장우진 18.11.30 164
172 답변글 RE:[1국05 도유빈] Juvenile felony should no longer occur. 장우진 18.11.30 150
171 [1지26홍주왕] Teenager is not young 첨부파일 있음 박민준 18.11.30 196
170 답변글 RE:[1105 김윤서]Can't wait and see such a slap on the wrist! 김재원 18.11.30 104
169 답변글 RE:[1매12 오예은] Teenager's crime is no longer a children's game 장우진 18.11.30 147
168 답변글 RE:1307 남인우 Juvenile law should be strengthen 김다해 18.11.30 91
167 답변글 RE:[1810 김혜민] Juvenile crime penalties should be strengthened. 김다해 18.11.30 125
166 답변글 1802 권여은 RE:[1810 김혜민] Juvenile crime penalties should be strengthened. 노지현 18.11.30 159
165 답변글 RE:[1매25 장우진] Current juvenile law is a strange law 장우진 18.11.30 76