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번호 | 제 목 | 첨부 | 이 름 | 날짜 | 조회 |
239 | RE:[1국25 최주영] [1728홍경아] | 홍경아 | 18.11.30 | 86 | |
238 | [1606 김지유] Strengthening the law is needed for the better world | 신승한 | 18.11.30 | 155 | |
237 | RE:[1710 박한솔] | 윤수신 | 18.11.30 | 83 | |
236 | RE:[1601 권윤아] Juvenile law will only make more victims | 김현진 | 18.11.30 | 84 | |
235 | RE:1114 유용준 | 황성환 | 18.11.30 | 77 | |
234 | 1222 이상준 Is it right to punish juvenile delinquents lightly? | 신윤섭 | 18.11.30 | 107 | |
233 | [1724 최예린] For their right path | 조예원 | 18.11.30 | 115 | |
232 | RE:[1704 김윤민] Is stricter punishment the answer to juvenile crime? | 강남주 | 18.11.30 | 40 | |
231 | [1220 유정현] Why there must be the revisement | 김성빈 | 18.11.30 | 100 | |
230 | RE:[1709 박초현] The Necessity of Enforcing Juvenile Punishment | 윤수신 | 18.11.30 | 85 | |
229 | RE:[1820 임세연] A right punishment | 윤채정 | 18.11.30 | 93 | |
228 | [1715 윤수신] Why Punishment Should Be Strict for Juvenile Crime? | 윤수신 | 18.11.30 | 135 | |
227 | [1825 최예린] The need to strengthen the punishment of juvenile delinquents | 이윤주 | 18.11.30 | 121 | |
226 | RE:[1820 임세연] A right punishment | 이지연 | 18.11.30 | 91 | |
225 | RE:[1825 최예린] | 이윤주 | 18.11.30 | 69 |