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RE:[1225 정용찬]-1202 권율 There is NO MERCY For Serious CRIMINALS!
작성자 권율 등록일 18.04.20 조회수 40
1202 권율
I disagree with your opinion about releasing the identities of serious criminals. 
First you stated that you stated that 'During July 2010 to 2012, among the 1,622 sex offenders who are identified in the sex offender notification(Alim-E) ,2 offenders have committed the crime again. This rate is much lower than 2010’s rate.' But other researches show that it has almost no effect on the crime rate. So I think that is not a clear reason for your opinion.

Secondly there is always a chance that the suspect did not commit the crime. Even if the suspect is found innocent, the release of his identity would have a big impact on his social life and also his family. 

이전글 [1인 14 유용준] Who should be protected,the criminal or the victim.
다음글 [1119 이영찬] releasing the identity of criminals to the public.