RE:[1의14 송진섭] Look at the BACK side, Please |
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작성자 | 전찬모 | 등록일 | 18.04.20 | 조회수 | 49 |
As you stated, the current implementation for reducing the damage from the criminals are actually not useful at all due to several limitation and side effects it can cause. However, I just wonder what if there has not been any policies being implemented for last ten years? It might have been much disastrous. Therefore, may I suggest you to think of the worst situation. Furthermore, we are able to enact the law that is reasonable to protect both victims and the family of criminals, such as giving the extra penalty to people who cause what can be regarded as criminals toward the family that is related with criminals. I also believe that although this system has the back side, which means that it has not been fulfilling any of the positive effects, there is none of "negative effects" has occurred so far. What you asserted is all prediction about the system. I believe that we have to focus on the victim first so that we can be more into the primary event. Considering all the factors that could cause side effects and negative effects are likely to cause none of them achieved. 1의 11 박동준
이전글 | [1 지 20 전재혁] About opening the identities of the serious criminals...... |
다음글 | [1의26최병수] Negative effect about the disclosure of the criminal's identity |