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RE:[1119 이영찬] releasing the identity of criminals to the public.
작성자 김이상 등록일 18.04.18 조회수 53
[1지03 김이상]

 First, I thought the word ‘great’ when I read it. I've agreed to release the criminal's identity, but after reading your article, I've changed my mind. You cited 6 reasons and made your opinion to justify. I would like to question one of them. That one is that disclosure is not effective. Although it doesn't have the effect of decreasing the crime rate as a result of personal disclosure, it could alert people to the dangers of serious crimes and behave more carefully in their daily lives. Effect can be said to be effective if there is a slight change in any event. I would like to say that it is not only effective to lower the crime rate.

이전글 [1225 정용찬]There is NO MERCY For Serious CRIMINALS!
다음글 [1인 18 이승준] Releasing serious criminal's information should be executed