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RE:[1인 22 임호진] Personal information of felons should not be disclosed
작성자 김범준 등록일 18.04.17 조회수 36
I got your opinion very well.  But I think releasing criminal's information is right.
 On the text you said "First, Disclosing a criminal's personal information hurts the families around him. "  But I hold a contrary view to this.
 Because firstly they took away victim's rights and gave victim's family hurts, I think we should release theirs information. Also losing theirs job is result of their behavior, and as we announcing informations, they can take time for introspection. :D
이전글 [1809 김지영]There is no country for serious criminals.
다음글 [1예08류상현] What should comes first? (2)