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91 [1의14 송진섭] Look at the BACK side, Please 첨부파일 있음 송진섭 18.04.17 86 0
90 답변글 RE:[1의14 송진섭] Look at the BACK side, Please 전찬모 18.04.20 53 0
89 [1의26최병수] Negative effect about the disclosure of the criminal's identity 첨부파일 있음 최병수 18.04.16 28757 0
88 [1죽24최민경] The publicity of criminal's files: Was there social consensus 첨부파일 있음 최민경 18.04.16 69 0
87 [1인09류승민] Do we really need to protect the human rights of criminals? 첨부파일 있음 류승민 18.04.16 53563 0
86 [1107 김진]Which is more important to human rights, a criminal or a citizen? 첨부파일 있음 김진 18.04.16 46 0
85 [1317 오유빈] A Bad Law Is Not A Low – negative side 첨부파일 있음 오유빈 18.04.16 65 0
84 [1213 성호영] [Is it worth revealing the identity of the criminal?] (1) 첨부파일 있음 성호영 18.04.16 289 0
83 답변글 RE:[1213 성호영] [Is it worth revealing the identity of the criminal?] 박민준 18.04.21 53 0
82 답변글 RE:[1213 성호영] [Is it worth revealing the identity of the criminal?] 연지훈 18.04.20 63 0