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51 [1죽 16 윤채정] Talking Point in Serious Criminals (1) 첨부파일 있음 윤채정 18.04.14 73 0
50 [1죽26 최지애] Necessity of Releasing the Identities of Serious Criminals 첨부파일 있음 최지애 18.04.14 58 0
49 [1죽05 김민지] There is no need to protect the identities of criminals. 첨부파일 있음 김민지 18.04.14 68 0
48 답변글 RE:[1죽05 김민지] There is no need to protect the identities of criminals. 이효윤 18.04.17 41 0
47 [1의08김진모]About the Efficacy and Human Rights of the Criminal's identity Disclosure 첨부파일 있음 유희정 18.04.14 67 0
46 [1의04김성빈] Protect the identities of criminals : the way to protect human rights of criminals (2) 첨부파일 있음 김성빈 18.04.14 100 0
45 답변글 RE:[1의04김성빈] Protect the identities of criminals : the way to protect human rights of criminals (1) 노강민 18.04.15 96 0
44 [1지06 박승찬] Let's give him a chance to his life. (5) 첨부파일 있음 박승찬 18.04.12 2217 0
43 [1지 21 정건희]The disclosure of personal information for the people for the society 첨부파일 있음 정건희 18.04.12 7069 0
42 답변글 RE:[1지 21 정건희]The disclosure of personal information for the people for the society 김진모 18.04.15 58 0