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41 답변글 RE:[1지 21 정건희]The disclosure of personal information for the people for the society 박승찬 18.04.13 63 0
40 답변글 RE:RE:[1지 21 정건희]The disclosure of personal information for the people for the society 한태현 18.04.19 37 0
39 [1예 3 김승건] The Necessity of a Rational Judgement (1) 첨부파일 있음 김승건 18.04.12 117 0
38 [1의20 유정현] Ironic reasoning hidden in the logic of revealing the identities of criminals 첨부파일 있음 이도형 18.04.12 86 0
37 [1인 27번 한시훈]-It is a necessary evil to reveal the identity of the criminals. 첨부파일 있음 한시훈 18.04.11 74 0
36 [1국12 신지민]-A right to know, the public should have 첨부파일 있음 신지민 18.04.11 68 0
35 [1난11유현정] Victims ' rights should come first 첨부파일 있음 유현정 18.04.10 54 0
34 [1지12 양지승] Contradiction: Felon saying ‘Everyone’s human right should be respected’ (3) 첨부파일 있음 양지승 18.04.10 8745 0
33 답변글 RE:[1지12 양지승] Contradiction: Felon saying ‘Everyone’s human right should be respected’ (1) 한태현 18.04.17 28 0
32 답변글 RE:[1지12 양지승] Contradiction: Felon saying ‘Everyone’s human right should be respected’ (1) 박승찬 18.04.13 61 0