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RE:[1828 한아름] Equal Chance to Everyone
작성자 이미소 등록일 18.06.22 조회수 23
1817 이미소
I read your opinion and I agree in many ways of your opinion. However, I disagree that entrance examination result may be depended on degree of wealthy when we enforce the absolute grading system. But, I think even we enforce relative evaluation instead of absolute evaluation, it will be the same. The scale of private education market is big enough even we evaluate the relative way. Moreover, more money might be used when we evaluate the relative way because people will have competitive spirit to make their scores to be in less than 4% among Korean who took the test and go to good college. On the other side, people may not use much money during executing absolute evaluation because the minimum score is defined so most people who is over the cut-off score will not try more to get better grades. In fact, they will just maintain the score that they are satisfied. 
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