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RE:<1317 오유빈> CSAT that will bother high school students
작성자 서동수 등록일 18.06.21 조회수 21
I oppose to absolute evaluation, too. As he said, absolute evaluation being performed, discrimination of CSAT weaken. If discrimination of CSAT disappears, college must vitally be going to impose assay test and interview. It can make private education lively and gap of status more than now. Absolute evaluation is perform for reducing gap of education between student who have good environment and student who doesn't, but it makes gap of education animated.
이전글 [1415 이정환]The Absolute Grading System of CSAT : Spoil Student’s Life (2)
다음글 [1521 이지원] Necessity of reforming the admission system, But NOT NOW (4)