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RE:1407 박준우 <The Absolute Grading System of CSAT : need to see future>
작성자 신윤섭 등록일 18.06.21 조회수 27
1 의 16 신윤섭

I agree with your opinion. If the CSAT is introduced, the college entrance examination will be strengthened in order to differentiate students from universities. This puts pressure on students to prepare for another entrance exam. In addition to the current school grades and preparations for the CSAT, private education will be more prevalent than it is now. Therefore, I oppose the absolute evaluation system of the CSAT, too. 

이전글 [1국14 우지호] Absolute evaluating the CSAT just Sets Accurate way To bother students (1)
다음글 [1국26 최지원] Are we experimental mice? (4)