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번호 | 제 목 | 첨부 | 이 름 | 날짜 | 조회 |
19 | RE: [1의4 김성빈] [1208 김진모] Military Robots : Destroy of Ethical Awareness | 김진모 | 18.09.28 | 1 | |
18 | [1인17 이상현] Military robots can be more deadly than nuclear weapons | 이상현 | 18.09.16 | 30 | |
17 | [1인25 최홍준] RE:[1인17 이상현] Military robots can be more deadly than nuclear weapons | 최홍준 | 18.09.28 | 1 | |
16 | RE:[1인17 이상현] Military robots can be more deadly than nuclear weapons | 이영찬 | 18.09.25 | 10 | |
15 | [1인19 이영찬]-Let's act independently in the changing flow of the world. (3) | 이영찬 | 18.09.16 | 60 | |
14 | [1인25 최홍준] RE:[1인19 이영찬]-Let's act independently in the changing flow of the world. | 최홍준 | 18.09.28 | 2 | |
13 | [1 의 06 김시형] we should develop a military robot as soon as possible! (3) | 김시형 | 18.09.16 | 33 | |
12 | [1316 엄성용] Why we should support the military robots (5) | 엄성용 | 18.09.12 | 57 | |
11 | [1예12 박창훈] Military Robots – A proud product of The Fourth Industrial Revolution (3) | 박창훈 | 18.09.11 | 65 | |
10 | RE:[1예12 박창훈] Military Robots – A proud product of The Fourth Industrial Revolution | 이영찬 | 18.09.16 | 23 |