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번호 | 제 목 | 첨부 | 이 름 | 날짜 | 조회 |
39 | [1예08류상현]Military robots are useful things for humans (3) | 류상현 | 18.09.26 | 25 | |
38 | [1319 이상현] The sooner the military robots are used, the better. | 이상현 | 18.09.25 | 16 | |
37 | [1국21 정수빈] Military Robots can protect us :We should support the creation and use of military robots (1) | 정수빈 | 18.09.25 | 22 | |
36 | [1716 이가희]RE:[1국21 정수빈] | 이가희 | 18.09.28 | 2 | |
35 | [1예06-김준서]: My Opinion on Support and Use of Military Robots | 김준서 | 18.09.25 | 12 | |
34 | [1인18 이승준]Military robots: We should use as soon as possible | 이승준 | 18.09.25 | 21 | |
33 | RE:[1인18 이승준]Military robots: We should use as soon as possible | 이상현 | 18.09.26 | 5 | |
32 | [1지14 유승현[ Two reasons | 유승현 | 18.09.25 | 8 | |
31 | [1죽05 김민지] Robots, now we have to introduce them into the military. | 김민지 | 18.09.24 | 11 | |
30 | RE:[1죽05 김민지] Robots, now we have to introduce them into the military. | 신아연 | 18.09.27 | 1 |