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영어 에세이 대회 대상(2학년 노진호)
작성자 이승은 등록일 16.07.18 조회수 910

 My Role Model – Dr. Sullivan.

2학년 노진호

 It was 2011 when I choose my first role model. The first one was ‘Albert Einstein’ because I wanted to be a scientist. But, mine was changed, and it is still changing even now, like everyone else. Now? As I want to be a teacher, my current role model is Dr. Sullivan, Helen Keller’s teacher. Today I’d like to share some reasons why I choose Dr. Sullivan for my role model.
  First, she overcame her agony. When she was young, she was raised in an orphanage. She had hard time playing with other children. She was always annoyed, terrified, and scared of everything. Her friends also teased and made fun of her everyday. It seemed that there was no hope to Annie(Dr. Sullivan’s old name). But one teacher brightened Annie’s future. She taught Annie with love. She tried to understand Annie. Then, Annie, who was aggressive to everyone, began to open her mind, little by little. Finally, she overcame her difficulty and decided to be a teacher because she wanted to cure and take care of other children who are just like her.
  Second, she taught other children with love. There was a girl named Helen. She lost her sight and sound when she was 3 years old. Everyone thought that Helen had no hope. But her parents didn’t give up. They searched again and again for Helen’s teacher. Finally, they found Dr. Sullivan, who experienced despair and agony in her youth, just like Helen. She taught Helen with love, endurance and wit. She taught Helen not only the thing we can see of touch, the thing we only can feel and think, like love, hate, happiness. It was possible because she tried to understand Helen, tried to think on Helen’s shoes. At last, Helen opened her mind, studied hard and became a social exerciser.
  It was a great luck that Helen met Sullivan. It was also a great luck that Annie met her teacher. Like these, I want to be a teacher who can give my student a great luck. Dr. Sullivan is the one who most inspired me.

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