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신입생 영어 자기소개서 쓰기 대회 대상(1학년 박병건)
작성자 이승은 등록일 16.06.17 조회수 1282

My own philosophy to overcome hardships


1학년  박 병 건



I sat down in front of my desk to write a self-introduction paper to literally ‘tell’ somebody who is going to read this about who I am. This time, I had thought about what the true meaning of ‘introduction’ is. It occurred to me as a list that includes fragment of information such as one’s family members, hobbies, interests, and favorites, etc. I realize it might be out of joint with the ‘true meaning that I’ve got. In a process of getting to know about a person, I want to say, that I need to approach the person’s philosophy. It might heard that I’m overacting with this simple paper, but, in this, I look on the philosophy as a mind the person just possesses. So now I’m going to talk about my perspective towards my life.


Be positive. This is one of my mottos. I’m not a kind of person who can be comfortable with some awkward subjects, or gets used to new circumstances. It was just the case when I arrived to the dorm in Sekwang high school few days ago. Since I was the only person who had even applied to among my entire middle school friends, I was worried of being in a same room with the whole new faces for such a long time every day. Moreover, the pressure coming from the fact that I’m in the group of students who are truly talented also fretted me. But in a sudden, I myself found that I was ruining my mental health irritating at what was just nothing. The ‘School’ was the place that I must spend after three years, my high school life, which means the place where I have to feel comfort, not uneasy and anxious. Now, few days passing in this life, I already accepted. To overcome these discomfort, I had to think in a ‘positive way’. Getting out of those stupid thoughts, I could see friends there. The hardest moment was always the first time. The first time to say hello to new faces, try to focus on studying on a new chair, and sleep in a new bed. Once enough time flies, everything becomes friendly. It seems like a formula; Positive access opens others mind.(Even my mattress cover accepted me) That’s why I always try not to lose smile on my face. Furthermore, expressing my thanks to people makes not only me but those people happy. This short, simple sentence can totally change a person’s entire feeling. So I fill my mind with gratitude as much as I can.


Here I want to introduce a singer who had influenced my life much though I’ve never met her in person. She is one of the most gorgeous, talented singers, and her name is Park Jung-hyeon. It was a talk show that I saw her first not a singing performance. I’ve heard her name with always such descriptions proving her amazing voices, but I’ve never known that she was a graduate of Columbia, which is one of Ivy League, eight prominent colleges located to East of America. She was born and raised in America. As the only Asian at school in her childhood with her younger brother, she thought that she had to study hard to overcome the racial discriminating that exists involuntarily. So, circumstances made her do nothing but study. On the other hand, there was her other great love, music. The point that made me surprised was that she didn’t stop auditioning and searching for any given stage that she could stand on while never losing the first place in the school grade. Finally she had been scouted by a Korean producer, and that happening, that ‘opportunity’, had changed her life forever. I admired her attitude treating her own life finding many similar cases she had gone through with mine. I also love music. I love to play piano, listen to music, and find some other areas varying my listening taste. I occasionally imagine becoming a musician. But, I sometimes hesitated to grab those opportunities that can make my experience ampler. I’ve been often worried about my imperfect part on the things I had been going to do, since I knew that the result giving in will be scrutinized by others. My parents always tell me those characteristics make me more tired, but I couldn’t change my gut easily. After I knew her and her life story, I became more brave and bold. These things I’ve told from the start of the paragraph may make me looked very meek and shy. But these are sort of my disadvantages beyond my bright and happy energy.


I think I often face many similar situations which make me embarrassed that I have penetrated before, and I have thought that it’s foolish to fall down again and wander to find what to do. The first story that I mentioned was the recent experience, and the other one with the inspiration from my favorite singer was everyday problem. So the point that I got those was such wandering and falling down have never been foolish. I realized those ways I’d seen my downs were the actual barrier. They were very natural passing processes for me to step the further one before me. At this point of time, first going to high school, I was determined not to be abashed when I become embarrassed at some difficulties. My future dream now is a doctor, a neurosurgeon. That job requires really high grades, and as I chose my dream to it, I know that I picked up much of responsibilities to study even harder. I remember one of the lyrics in a song of the singer’s; Hard time will be also a memory. Keeping this in my head, I’ll make up my mind more tightly, and step one by one for the 3 years given to me.


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